I find it hard to believe that we have been on this homeschooling journey for almost 10 years. I cannot believe it! We have definitely been on a roller coaster in the past years. We have shed many tears, fears, hugs and lots of love. I want to be real..it has been hard. There have been times when I thought I had hurt my kids for homeschooling them. Times when I wanted to put them on the bus at 6:45 am and go back to bed. Even through the lows..I would not trade it for the world.
When I first started this blog, my kids were toddlers. Now my kids are teens. I have 3 kids with 3 distinct learning styles. I have 3 young adults who are trying to find their way in the world. My role has changed from caregiver to mentor. I am no longer needed to answer every little question. They don't always ask me for my help or opinion. I now work outside of the house 3-4 nights a week during the school year. During the summer I am home even less.
We will be changing things up once again in the 2014-2015 school year. I will have two, yes two, high school kids and one in junior high school. We are planning to continue our homeschooling journey. We just have to make a few more adjustments. We will most likely step away from some outside commitments and do more as a family. They are only going to be home for a short time. I want to really enjoy these teen years.
So please stay with us while we take our Learning Adventures to a new chapter.
Learning Adventures
Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life's greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned. ~Taylor Caldwell
April 8, 2014
January 25, 2014
Be a Rock
It started with a phone call.
This was the call that I feared.
I'm on my way...no wait.
Let's see what they say.
Time passed so slowly that day.
There was another call, another one I didn't want to hear.
They say that all bad words have four letters, they were wrong.
Later the night came a familiar right tone.
One Iwanted needed to hear more than anything.
Don't worry about me.
I'm good...be strong.
Be a rock.
Another day, a flurry of calls.
When can I leave, not yet.
Then the ring tone I have come to love...
Don't worry about me.
I'm good....be strong.
They need you.
Be a rock.
The time I made the phone call...
I love you!
Be strong.
I see the tears,
I see the love.
I see the fear.
I see the world falling apart.
Then I see with my own eyes.
My original little man.
I see him running around.
I see him in the backseat with all his friends.
I see him out on the field.
Memories fill my head of the years in the past.
Football games,
Basketball games,
movie marathons,
kayaking with my daughter.
My two worlds colliding....
My world crumbling.
Family and friends start to come by.
We shared memories,
We shared tears.
We laughed until we cried.
How can I stay strong?
I feel like my life is crumbling around me.
I can't do this I say.
Yes you can says MY rock.
He needs you. I'm here for you.
Ididn't couldn't finish this poem...I didn't want to think beyond that time. I didn't want to feel the separation, I didn't want to think about the pain anymore, the helplessness that I felt. That all changed on Thanksgiving....
Today I heard the most magical sound in the world....
For the first time in 40 something days,
I heard his voice..
It made my day..
What did he say?
What's Up??
He is kicking some tail! He is an inspiration. He is now MY rock. To say that I am proud of how far he has come would be an understatement.
This was the call that I feared.
I'm on my way...no wait.
Let's see what they say.
Time passed so slowly that day.
There was another call, another one I didn't want to hear.
They say that all bad words have four letters, they were wrong.
Later the night came a familiar right tone.
One I
Don't worry about me.
I'm good...be strong.
Be a rock.
Another day, a flurry of calls.
When can I leave, not yet.
Then the ring tone I have come to love...
Don't worry about me.
I'm good....be strong.
They need you.
Be a rock.
The time I made the phone call...
I love you!
Be strong.
I see the tears,
I see the love.
I see the fear.
I see the world falling apart.
Then I see with my own eyes.
My original little man.
I see him running around.
I see him in the backseat with all his friends.
I see him out on the field.
Memories fill my head of the years in the past.
Football games,
Basketball games,
movie marathons,
kayaking with my daughter.
My two worlds colliding....
My world crumbling.
Family and friends start to come by.
We shared memories,
We shared tears.
We laughed until we cried.
How can I stay strong?
I feel like my life is crumbling around me.
I can't do this I say.
Yes you can says MY rock.
He needs you. I'm here for you.
Today I heard the most magical sound in the world....
For the first time in 40 something days,
I heard his voice..
It made my day..
What did he say?
What's Up??
He is kicking some tail! He is an inspiration. He is now MY rock. To say that I am proud of how far he has come would be an understatement.
November 25, 2013
A Month of Gratitude Slacker...
I have been slacking during my month of gratitude...I'm sorry. I just haven't been able to remember to do it everyday. I do think about it all the time. So here we go...
- Long Shots & Hail Marys
- My Husband. He has given more in the past 7 weeks than I ever thought possible. He has given me strength when I needed it the most. He encouraged me NOT to give up.
- My kids...they have shown me joy in the past 7 weeks. They have made me laugh when I wanted to cry.
- My parents, they have taught me a lot this last month. You really are never too old to learn something from your parents.
- My brothers. Even though they are grown men, they are my little boys. My heart is divided in 4...my hubby, my kids, my brothers and my sisters. They truly are my life.
- My cousins. I don't know if they would ever read this, but that is ok. They made me laugh when I didn't think I could.
- A new friendship that has developed...she was there in a heartbeat. I called and could barely speak. She knew that I needed someone. She is showing me ways to grow that I didn't realize. Thank you.
- My homeschool family. The members of my homeschool co-op. They have shown me understanding and strength this past semester. I couldn't of made it without your love and support.
- I am so thankful that I have job. A job that offers me the flexibility to still homeschool my children and fly home to be with my family when they need me.
- My daughter, yes I mentioned her earlier. They each deserve their own. She is my girly girl. She makes sure that I don't take life too seriously.
- My oldest, who makes that best soft pretzels in the world! I love him for much more than that, but right now I am craving one of those pretzels. LOL.
- My youngest son. He is my little man who is over 6 inches taller than me!
- My sisters..who have become beautiful young women.
- DVR...it keeps the peace in my house.
- Music....I am thankful for musi. Music can trasport you anywhere. You could be 10 or you could be in the islands listening to the steel drums. Music soothes my soul.
- The Ocean...my home away from home. My safe place. This is where I go when I am stressed. When I need to get my life in perspective, because let's be honest...the big stuff is really the small stuff and the small stuff...well that is what you will remember.
- My in-laws. They are who I inspire to be like. They seem to know what I need before I do.
- A Helping Hand...even when they don't know that I need it. Thank you coach!
- My house, while we are crammed in here...I am thankful that we have a roof over our heads, food in the fridge.
- My dog..silly? I don't think so. She listens when I talk and she doesn't talk back. :)
- My snakes...yes I said snakes. They actually keep my blood pressure down. Why you ask? You can't get tensed or stressed out while holding them. It is not good for them.
- My computer, without it this wouldn't be possible. I also would make the leap into homeschooling.
- Pinterest! Who else is obsessed with that site! I am thankful that it helps me stay creative & organized!!
- Old Friends...I love reconnecting with some of them.
- That you have read this far! Thanks :)
November 24, 2013
It Started With A Conversation...
A very special 6 year old, his mom & I had the most wonderful and enlightening conversation. We spoke of the Golden Rule. We talked about how our attitudes towards others gets reflected back onto ourselves. If you treat your friends rudely, they will treat you the same way. When we asked if that was OK, he said no. He told us that we should treat others much nicer - kinder because that's how WE want to be treated.
His mom and I carried the conversation on. I spoke of Grace. How I was trying to live more Gracefully. We spoke about how we were NOT perfect and that was OK. We spoke about what the word Grace meant to each of us. I honestly cannot remember what was said-just the emotions. I felt compassion-peace-love-gentleness. I remember feeling that it was OK to be a work in progress.
How does one define Grace? I truly believe that it is up to the individual. To me Grace means kindness, gentle hearted, compassionate, strong elegance, and respectful. Grace does not mean perfection - NO ONE can achieve that. Grace means accepting your imperfections. It means trying to be the best you can be in spite of your flaws. To realize that you are flawed and to go with your strengths. It means when you fail, don't go licking your wounds...learn from it. It means getting back up and doing better...again and again.
Someone walking with Grace shows compassion and understanding when it is needed the most. Grace is knowing when to take a step back and when to lead.
Grace is being calm in the middle of a storm. We really don't know how strong we are until our world is thrown into utter chaos...believe me, I am learning this now.
I strive to walk with Grace. I am going to make mistakes and that is OK.
I strive to act with Grace, speak with Grace and live with Grace
To my friends, I ask for patience, understanding and guidance as I continue my journey.
To that little boy, I thank you for making my life better for having known you. :)
His mom and I carried the conversation on. I spoke of Grace. How I was trying to live more Gracefully. We spoke about how we were NOT perfect and that was OK. We spoke about what the word Grace meant to each of us. I honestly cannot remember what was said-just the emotions. I felt compassion-peace-love-gentleness. I remember feeling that it was OK to be a work in progress.
How does one define Grace? I truly believe that it is up to the individual. To me Grace means kindness, gentle hearted, compassionate, strong elegance, and respectful. Grace does not mean perfection - NO ONE can achieve that. Grace means accepting your imperfections. It means trying to be the best you can be in spite of your flaws. To realize that you are flawed and to go with your strengths. It means when you fail, don't go licking your wounds...learn from it. It means getting back up and doing better...again and again.
Someone walking with Grace shows compassion and understanding when it is needed the most. Grace is knowing when to take a step back and when to lead.
Grace is being calm in the middle of a storm. We really don't know how strong we are until our world is thrown into utter chaos...believe me, I am learning this now.
I strive to walk with Grace. I am going to make mistakes and that is OK.
I strive to act with Grace, speak with Grace and live with Grace
To my friends, I ask for patience, understanding and guidance as I continue my journey.
To that little boy, I thank you for making my life better for having known you. :)
November 4, 2013
See The Light - Peaceful Seas Review
Art is my all time favorite subject. I love every part of creating art. When I had the opportunity to review See The Light Art Project, I was thrilled. I had seen these, even drooled over them.
I received the Peaceful Seas DVD. We were excited to do this project. There are 4 videos, each one is less than 30 minutes long. They are easy to follow and beautifully done. You then work on what she demonstrated in the video.
Watch and Produce Your Own Masterpiece
SEAS is the eigth in a series of ART PROJECTS that advance skills and
learning as students complete wonderful works of art in the style of a
variety of famous artists.
PEACEFUL SEAS includes an in-depth Art History focus on the style of Winslow Homer, explores related Art Elements and Art Principles, and uses a variety of media. Biblical integration is woven into every single lesson!
PEACEFUL SEAS is geared for ages 10 +. The 4 lesson DVD runs approximately 2 hours, but the student should allow approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete this fabulous work of art!
- See more at: http://www.seethelightshine.com/store/art-projects/art-projects-peaceful-seas.html#sthash.nZZVBh0L.dpuf
Reviews from my crew:
Dragon: I enjoyed the videos. I wish that she would use the correct terms for somethings. She would call it one thing and then change it to another. I really like learning about Winslow Homer. Her instructions were easy to follow and remember for when you were doing the project later.
Tracker: I didn't care for her tone voice. I didn't like the videos, I would rather just do the project and learn as I go.
Squirrel: The videos are OK. The project were just right. They were not too easy, but not too difficult.
Mom: I thoroughly enjoyed the videos. I found her instructions perfect for me. I learned something new. I appreciated the fact that I could skip over the scripture part of the videos. I would recommend this video to my friends. I am actually planning on purchasing the rest of the series to fulfill necessary to complete a high school credit.
The Basics:
See The Light Christian Homeschool Art Class
Peaceful Seas DVD $14.99
ENTIRE Art Projects boxed set: $99
You can also purchase Art Class to learn everything from basic skills to advanced techniques.
To read the rest of the teams reviews, click here.
I received the Peaceful Seas DVD. We were excited to do this project. There are 4 videos, each one is less than 30 minutes long. They are easy to follow and beautifully done. You then work on what she demonstrated in the video.
SEAS includes an in-depth Art History focus on the style of Winslow
Homer, explores related Art Elements and Art Principles, and uses a
variety of media. Biblical integration is woven into every single
PEACEFUL SEAS is geared for ages 10 +. The 4 lesson DVD runs approximately 2 hours, but the student should allow approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete this fabulous work of art!
- See more at: http://www.seethelightshine.com/store/art-projects/art-projects-peaceful-seas.html#sthash.nZZVBh0L.dpuf
PEACEFUL SEAS is geared for ages 10 +. The 4 lesson DVD runs approximately 2 hours, but the student should allow approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete this fabulous work of art!
- See more at: http://www.seethelightshine.com/store/art-projects/art-projects-peaceful-seas.html#sthash.nZZVBh0L.dpuf
SEAS includes an in-depth Art History focus on the style of Winslow
Homer, explores related Art Elements and Art Principles, and uses a
variety of media. Biblical integration is woven into every single
PEACEFUL SEAS is geared for ages 10 +. The 4 lesson DVD runs approximately 2 hours, but the student should allow approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete this fabulous work of art!
- See more at: http://www.seethelightshine.com/store/art-projects/art-projects-peaceful-seas.html#sthash.nZZVBh0L.dpuf
PEACEFUL SEAS is geared for ages 10 +. The 4 lesson DVD runs approximately 2 hours, but the student should allow approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete this fabulous work of art!
- See more at: http://www.seethelightshine.com/store/art-projects/art-projects-peaceful-seas.html#sthash.nZZVBh0L.dpuf
Watch and Produce Your Own Masterpiece
in 4 Step-By-Step Lessons with Master Artist Pat Knepley!
SEAS is the eigth in a series of ART PROJECTS that advance skills and
learning as students complete wonderful works of art in the style of a
variety of famous artists.PEACEFUL SEAS includes an in-depth Art History focus on the style of Winslow Homer, explores related Art Elements and Art Principles, and uses a variety of media. Biblical integration is woven into every single lesson!
PEACEFUL SEAS is geared for ages 10 +. The 4 lesson DVD runs approximately 2 hours, but the student should allow approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete this fabulous work of art!
- See more at: http://www.seethelightshine.com/store/art-projects/art-projects-peaceful-seas.html#sthash.nZZVBh0L.dpuf
Reviews from my crew:
Dragon: I enjoyed the videos. I wish that she would use the correct terms for somethings. She would call it one thing and then change it to another. I really like learning about Winslow Homer. Her instructions were easy to follow and remember for when you were doing the project later.
Tracker: I didn't care for her tone voice. I didn't like the videos, I would rather just do the project and learn as I go.
Squirrel: The videos are OK. The project were just right. They were not too easy, but not too difficult.
Mom: I thoroughly enjoyed the videos. I found her instructions perfect for me. I learned something new. I appreciated the fact that I could skip over the scripture part of the videos. I would recommend this video to my friends. I am actually planning on purchasing the rest of the series to fulfill necessary to complete a high school credit.
The Basics:
See The Light Christian Homeschool Art Class
Peaceful Seas DVD $14.99
ENTIRE Art Projects boxed set: $99
You can also purchase Art Class to learn everything from basic skills to advanced techniques.
To read the rest of the teams reviews, click here.
November 2, 2013
Day 1: Long Shots & Hail Marys
Here it is November and I am so thankful that it is here. October was a month that I never want to experience again.
We went from looking forward to the holidays to day by day. Then hour by hour.
We were told there was a chance, a small chance, a Hail Mary.....a long shot. We took it.
We waited. We made phone calls. We prayed. It WORKED. It is still working today.
We are now looking forward, counting our blessings...even the minute ones.
I am FOREVER grateful for Long Shots & Hail Marys.
We went from looking forward to the holidays to day by day. Then hour by hour.
We were told there was a chance, a small chance, a Hail Mary.....a long shot. We took it.
We waited. We made phone calls. We prayed. It WORKED. It is still working today.
We are now looking forward, counting our blessings...even the minute ones.
I am FOREVER grateful for Long Shots & Hail Marys.
September 5, 2013
Homeschool Programming Review Teen CoderC# Series
I don't know about you, but the thought of teaching my child any computer skills terrifies me. I can teach them the basics, but programming? That is a foreign language to me. That is why I was so excited to get the opportunity to review TeenCoder C# Series from Homeschool Programming.

Homeschool Programming has two different programs, KidCoder and TeenCoder. Homeschooling Programming Inc is the brainchild of two homeschooling parents who have degrees in Computer Science and over 17 years experience in the software industry. Homeschool Programming, fills the void for an all in one computer science program for children.
The TeenCoder C# Series has 2 courses, Windows Programming and Game Programming. Each course should take a semester complete, depending on the pace of the child. They are able to complete this at their own pace. The TeenCoder C# Computer Programming Series can be used to fulfill your high school students requirement for computer class.
Dragon started the Windows Programming Course and loved it.
I asked my 15yr old, Dragon to write this review:
I like it. My overall opinion is it is fun and easy to do. I liked the fact that it was easy to understand, I didn't have to ask for help. Each lesson was well planned and fun to complete. One time I made the computer beep and mom thought I broke it. That was a good laugh! My favorite lesson was Lesson 6, user input.
I would recommend this program to all of my friends. I cannot wait to start the Game Programming Semester!
The Good:
~Student paced independent program.
~Easy to understand
~Great customer service
~I will be recommending this program to all of our homeschooling friends.
~I do recommend printing out the book or getting the printed version.
The Bad:
~I had a very hard time with Windows 8. This has NOTHING to do with the program, but Windows 8 itself. We just installed it on an older laptop and it was Great..Easy to install. I honestly wanted to throw my computer out the window. They tried to help us, but it was getting frustrating on my end. It had NOTHING to do with them...it was all me.
Product Information:
TeenCoder C# Year Pack: $130
TeenCoder C# Year Pack with Videos: $155
For more information you can visit them here.
Want to try before you buy? Check out their amazing samples page.
If you would like to see what others members of Mosaic Reviews thought of Homeschool Programming you can go here to check them out.

Homeschool Programming has two different programs, KidCoder and TeenCoder. Homeschooling Programming Inc is the brainchild of two homeschooling parents who have degrees in Computer Science and over 17 years experience in the software industry. Homeschool Programming, fills the void for an all in one computer science program for children.
The TeenCoder C# Series has 2 courses, Windows Programming and Game Programming. Each course should take a semester complete, depending on the pace of the child. They are able to complete this at their own pace. The TeenCoder C# Computer Programming Series can be used to fulfill your high school students requirement for computer class.
Dragon started the Windows Programming Course and loved it.

I asked my 15yr old, Dragon to write this review:
I like it. My overall opinion is it is fun and easy to do. I liked the fact that it was easy to understand, I didn't have to ask for help. Each lesson was well planned and fun to complete. One time I made the computer beep and mom thought I broke it. That was a good laugh! My favorite lesson was Lesson 6, user input.
I would recommend this program to all of my friends. I cannot wait to start the Game Programming Semester!
The Good:
~Student paced independent program.
~Easy to understand
~Great customer service
~I will be recommending this program to all of our homeschooling friends.
~I do recommend printing out the book or getting the printed version.
The Bad:
~I had a very hard time with Windows 8. This has NOTHING to do with the program, but Windows 8 itself. We just installed it on an older laptop and it was Great..Easy to install. I honestly wanted to throw my computer out the window. They tried to help us, but it was getting frustrating on my end. It had NOTHING to do with them...it was all me.
Product Information:
TeenCoder C# Year Pack: $130
TeenCoder C# Year Pack with Videos: $155
For more information you can visit them here.
Want to try before you buy? Check out their amazing samples page.
If you would like to see what others members of Mosaic Reviews thought of Homeschool Programming you can go here to check them out.
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