This was the call that I feared.
I'm on my wait.
Let's see what they say.
Time passed so slowly that day.
There was another call, another one I didn't want to hear.
They say that all bad words have four letters, they were wrong.
Later the night came a familiar right tone.
One I
Don't worry about me.
I'm strong.
Be a rock.
Another day, a flurry of calls.
When can I leave, not yet.
Then the ring tone I have come to love...
Don't worry about me.
I'm strong.
They need you.
Be a rock.
The time I made the phone call...
I love you!
Be strong.
I see the tears,
I see the love.
I see the fear.
I see the world falling apart.
Then I see with my own eyes.
My original little man.
I see him running around.
I see him in the backseat with all his friends.
I see him out on the field.
Memories fill my head of the years in the past.
Football games,
Basketball games,
movie marathons,
kayaking with my daughter.
My two worlds colliding....
My world crumbling.
Family and friends start to come by.
We shared memories,
We shared tears.
We laughed until we cried.
How can I stay strong?
I feel like my life is crumbling around me.
I can't do this I say.
Yes you can says MY rock.
He needs you. I'm here for you.
Today I heard the most magical sound in the world....
For the first time in 40 something days,
I heard his voice..
It made my day..
What did he say?
What's Up??
He is kicking some tail! He is an inspiration. He is now MY rock. To say that I am proud of how far he has come would be an understatement.
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