March 23, 2013

Teaching Finacial Independence....FamilyMint Review

In today's economy, teaching financial smarts is a requirement. One of my goals of  homeschooling is to make sure that my children are responsible and independent. I think that a key to that is financial no how. When I went to school, we didn't learn about finances. This is why I was so excited to review FamilyMint's Money Management Certification program.

I could not wait to start the program once I received their workbook. The workbook is broken up into 4 chapters, Tracking Your Money, Goal Setting, Budgeting and Interest-Growing$. Each chapter includes information and worksheets for the children to use. I made copies for the kids and put them into their own folders. The index card is covering up Dragon's log in information for Family Mint Online.

The first thing that my children did was count all their money and log this as their beginning balance. Once everything was done in their folder, we then entered everything online. FamilyMint suggested that the children make a money jar to keep their money in. My boys did not particularly like this idea, Squirrel used an old money jar that she made last year.

Once they logged their totals into their balance sheet, we talked about the importance of saving money and setting goals. This is a difficult task for even adults. They each picked a goal to save up for. Tracker chose a new snake, Dragon a Crème Brule Torch and Squirrel is saving her money for a cake decorating class. I thought that these were great goals! We then spoke about the envelope system. My kids had a little difficulty with this task. I had to sit down with each one and speak with them. Once this was done they got a handle on it.

My overall opinion of this program is good. My kids really enjoyed writing their own checks. I think that it is necessary program for high school students. If we make sure that they have a good financial understanding, they just might not rack up all those credit cards. You should include this in your curriculum!

One other thing that I loved is that this program was great for all three kids. Two of my children prefer pen & paper and the other is completely digital.

FamilyMint offers the following options:

1. Introductory Offer:
        Money Management Certification Program Workbook + a LIFETIME subscription to the FamilyMint Premium...only $29.99!

2.  Premium Online Application Subscription:
      Annual: $24.99    Monthly: $4.95

3. Free online application only

You an find out more information on their product here.