February 20, 2009

Have you ever invited a Dragon to dinner??

Today was a read aloud day. I read a book on Benjamin Franklin during lunch. I also read some poems from I Invited a Dragon to Dinner. The kiddos were laughing hysterically at the poems. I just love seeing their faces light up while I read the poems.

I am starting a short series on Irish folktales. I am doing this in part because my family is Irish. I will continue to read from a couple of different books for the next few weeks.

Today we also watched a short video clip on the Boston Tea Party. The kids have really enjoy the You are There history dvds.

Tracker & Squirrel have both officially finished their current math books. Tracker has already moved onto the next grade. Squirrel is working in AEP's Time & Money book. She is really enjoying this book.

This weekend we will be finishing the prep work for the bathroom. I cannot wait. I have been waiting to get this room painted for 3 years now. Next will be the kitchen. I will at least get the kitchen patched and some what prepped. It will most likely take me an entire day to remove the kitchen cabinets and clean them. I am not looking forward to all the work but I cannot wait for the finished result!!!