I have been suffering from HMP. I have rethought everything at least 10 times. I worry that I Tracker isn't reading. But I also wonder if he just doesn't like to read. I worry that I am holding Squirrel back because of her brother. I know that Tracker will get better with some tutoring and that is my first priority in the new year.
I am also considering dropping their art lessons. They love them. I love the 2hrs a month that I get to myself. However, they are not really doing anything but drawing. They might paint and they might use markers, but other than that nothing. They don't explore other forms of art. I am going to have to talk with their teacher to see what she has planned. I am debating on letting them still do it, but supplement it with ARTistic Pursuits. My kids love art and they are very creative. I have been told that the crafts I give them are a little too easy for Dragon and they all want something to challenge them.
I want to start incorporating more challenging books into the mix with Dragon. I love the fact that he has found a genre that he enjoys, but he needs to broaden his horizons a little bit. I want to find read alouds that we would also all enjoy. I personally cannot stand reading aloud. I am not sure what it is. I think that it might have to do with the fact that I am horrible with phonics. I am embarrassed by my reading ability.
I am also looking for something new for grammar. I just haven't found it yet. I am also thinking about completely redoing our schedule. I want to add more field trips, hands-on activities and more free time for them.

Sorry you're feeling stressed. Have you looked at the art projects blog? I love her ideas and she has a great mix of materials and works in art history and such, like the Kandinski style cityskape. I also like that the projects are easy but allow for individual creativity, and don't require much prep. Here's the URL: http://www.artprojectsforkids.org/.
I also just found these free printable grammar books that someone recommended. I haven't tried them but a friend said they were fun. http://www.sfreading.com/resources/ghb.html
Don't stress yourself out too much though! We all go through HMP periodically. :) (Love the term, BTW!) Hope you're feeling better soon!
Don't let the panic get to you. :)
For grammar, have you looked at Growing with Grammar? We've used it for grades 3 and now 4 and really like it. I believe they now have levels for grades 1-6.
Don't beat yourself up too much. We all suffer from HMP now and then. Even the most radical of unschooling moms will occasionally think, "Are they getting enough math? Writing experience?" It's the plague of a mother to worry about our kids and whether we're raisin'em right.
It helps me to remind myself of the meager education so many kids in ps get. I can't possibly do worse than that, right?
I have been told time and time again - if a mother isn't worrying, she isn't doing her job right!
We have been switching things up around here a bit, due to some changing circadian rhythms and I think you sometimes you just need the change for the sake of changing!
Of course this is also one of those great benefits of homeschooling - tweak it to fit whatever YOUR family needs.
Take a deep breath and what you need will come to you!!!
Take Care
I just ran across your site, and found myself laughing outloud because I went through the same thing this weekend! I completely reworked the schedule, and went into major meltdown mode with my husband because I was second guessing everything I was/was not doing. I really appreciate your post because it opened my eyes, and made me take another look at the reason we started homeschooling to begin with. I can't thank you enough for this post! Have a great week!! :)
Do you read Teresa's blog over at http://lapazfarm.homeschooljournal.net/ ? I noticed that she was reading Last Child in the Woods, and I recommend that one too - it made me get my kids out more. I teach public school, but use her ideas about nature journals. Also, if you ever read Art Costa's older stuff, you'll see that kids need to spend some time drawing to solidify their learning. I frequently have students draw before they write to organize their thinking. Kelly in SC
Kelly, I love the idea of having the kids draw before they write. I will check out the book thank you.
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