July 3, 2006

A Little Poll

1.) Do you currently subscribe to a homeschooling magazine? If yes, which ones?

2.) What are you looking for in a homeschool magazine?

3.) Would you read a secular homeschool magazine?

4.) What would you NOT like to see in a homeschool magazine?

If you could pass this along to any of your homeschooler friends I would appreciate it. They can post here or email at dasluv@gmail.com



Jenny said...

1.) Do you currently subscribe to a homeschooling magazine? If yes, which ones? Magazine, no, but I do receive California's Homeschool Link.

2.) What are you looking for in a homeschool magazine? I'm looking for encouragement, new ideas, things to do, new approaches to take... basically the things I already get from blogs, message boards, and websites which is probably why I don't subscribe to any magazines.

3.) Would you read a secular homeschool magazine? Absolutely.

4.) What would you NOT like to see in a homeschool magazine? Exclusion. The thing I particularly like about The Link (www.homeschoolnewslink.com) is that it is very diverse and frequently contains conflicting views on a single topic.